The use of cannabis (hash and weed) has been known for centuries in many cultures. Cannabis comes from the hemp plant. The effect lasts two to four hours. You become happy and relaxed. Cannabis can be used in the wrong way just after further stimulants. Hence these tips for sensible use.
• Use cannabis for your pleasure. You can not solve problems with a joint.
• If you smoke weed every day, try not to for a few days.
• Cannabis changes your ability to concentrate. Therefore, do not use at school, at work, or in traffic.
• Some types of cannabis are stronger than others. They have a higher THC content. An experienced smoker feels exactly when he has enough. He can then stop. When you first blowt you do not know what you can have. So let yourself be extensively informed about which species you can buy best.
• If you have little experience with cannabis, it is wise not to drink alcohol.
• When eating spacecake, the amount of cannabis you ingest is difficult to determine. Before you know it you have too much inside, so start with a small piece. With food it can take anywhere from three quarters to one and a half hours before it starts working. Wait for the effect and do not take another piece, you will certainly get too much inside.
• Cannabis is sometimes bad. You then feel sick or anxious. Find a quiet place and eat or drink something sweet, for example orange juice. Do not panic. After an hour the worst is over.
• If you are taking medication and want to use it, first consult a doctor. Never use when you are pregnant.
• When smoking cannabis, substances are released (tar and carbon monoxide) that are harmful to health.
• Remember that if you mix cannabis with tobacco, you also smoke tobacco. Nicotine is addictive.
• Do not buy cannabis on the street but look for a bona fide coffee shop.
• Do not take cannabis with you when you go abroad.